Street art, Geraldine Gans
Geraldine Goose stroked her wings on Bothniakade.
The word goose is also used for a female goose. The male is called goose, gent or gander. Geese have a medium-length neck and a powerful conical beak. On the upper beak is a serrated edge. Compared to swans, geese are smaller and more compact. Adult birds moult all the flight feathers at the same time, which prevents them from flying for about 1 month. Molting usually coincides with the period when the young are in the nest. Geese can live up to 30 years, but they are only fertile from the age of 3. The difference between a male and a female is noticeable in that the female has a larger hanging belly (at the bottom of the goose) than a male. In the breeding season this is very obvious.
Bothniakade is named after former grietman (kind of cantonal judge) of the municipality of Wymbritseradiel Duco van Bothnia. Opposite the Bothniakade runs the Koopmansgracht.
The Koopmansgracht runs along Sneek's city canal. The Harinxma Bridge on the Koopmansgracht is on the list of national monuments.
Harinxma Bridge
This drawbridge of the Amsterdam type was built in 1920 and was the first electrically operated bridge in Sneek. The bridge forms a connection between the Koopmansgracht and the Harinxmakade and is an extension of the Johan Willem Frisostraat. The abutments and bridge lanterns are original. With the exception of the asphalt bridge deck, the bridge is unchanged. The bridge operator's house was rebuilt in 1984 and is therefore outside the scope of national protection.