SSHUW Pasveer farmhouse, Sneek
OBW farm Pasveer.
On the left side of the street road stands the OBW farm Pasveer. This one was built in 1939 after the previous one was destroyed by fire. Nowadays, thanks to the diversion of the Swette for the Middlesee route, this farm has a beautiful campsite with a harbor as a second branch. Besides this farm, the Old Civil Orphanage owns 8 more farms with the corresponding land. These are all leased. The O.B.W. has a long history. After the Church Reformation in Friesland in the year 1581, the municipality of Sneek confiscated monastery property and earmarked the proceeds for the maintenance of "poor orphans, born of citizens of voorschreven stede". With this, in fact, the foundation of the Civil Orphanage had come into being. Because the "admission requirements" for the Burger Weeshuis were strict, many new orphanages were founded at that time. One of these was the Diaconate or New Orphanage in 1675. Sneek had to distinguish between the various orphanages, and then the oldest was soon given the name Old. The name Old Burger Weeshuis was born, formally the term Old was first used in the year 1702. In 1773 the Town and Diaconate Orphanage was dissolved and the Diaconate orphans were transferred to the OBW. In 1796, the OBW was forced to make a loan to the government. This money was needed to pay the costs of the war with English and the French occupation.