Sneek Forward (Martiniplein Sneek)
The artwork Sneek Voorwaarts was designed and made in 1990 by the Sneker J. Douma Gzn., former director of the fa. Douma Staal en Machines in Sneek. Mr. Douma donated it to the town of Sneek on January 24 of that year and made it from the material he worked with all his life: steel.
Sneek Voorwaarts is about two meters high. It stands in the city center, on a brick wall at the edge of the Martiniplein, which was newly reconstructed in 1990. The reason for Mr. Douma to create the work of art and donate it to the Sneker community was that he had long enjoyed living and running his business in the center and therefore wanted to do something positive for the downtown area. His creation depicts the relationship that the old commercial and industrial town of Sneek has with water sports recreation. The triangle depicts a sail, the Mercury helmet symbolizes trade and industry, and the cogwheel is included as a sign of industry.