PvH War Grave Koelstra, General Cemetery Sneek
Klaes Koelstra 1914-1944 (resistance fighter)
Klaes Koelstra was also executed during the Sneker Bloednacht. Koelstra was a municipal official and head of a distribution office. He was also involved in housing people in hiding. At half past two in the night of July 13 to 14, 1944, group Visser rang the bell at the Troelstrakade at the house of Klaes Koelstra. Klaes had to come with them. In the street about fifteen men took him between themselves. Via the Jachthavenstraat the group walked to the Leeuwarderweg. There Koelstra was shot in the back of the head. When in the early morning the curfew ended, there was horror and mourning in the city. The relatives found the bodies of the victims in the street where they had been shot.