PvH Stroffelstiennen Van Gelder, Julianapark Sneek
Lion van Gelder 1869-1942
Carolina van Gelder-Bilderbeek 1890-1942
Moritz Rothschild 1883-1942
Berta Rothschild-Golomb 1891-1942
Juliana Park 17
Two families who perished in the war lived at this address: the Van Gelder-Bilderbeek and Rothschild-Golomb families.
Lion van Gelder was born in Harlingen on March 18, 1869. In daily life he was a market merchant. He was married to Carolina Bilderbeek (July 6, 1890, Zwolle). On November 16, 1942, they were taken from Westerbork to Auschwitz. Both were murdered there three days later.
Moritz Rothschild and his wife were from Germany. They had fled the Nazi regime from there. Moritz had been born in Dörzbach on April 3, 1883. His wife Berta Golomb on Oct. 13, 1891 in Tarnow, Poland, the place where thousands of Jews from the urban ghetto were murdered in the marketplace in June 1942. Moritz Rothschild initially had no work, but later was sexton and usher at the Jewish community. Moritz and his wife were murdered in Auschwitz on November 23, 1942.