PvH Stroffelstiennen Pino Korte Veemarktstraat
Jacob Pino 1900-1943
Mechgelien Pino 1931-1943
Erna Pino-Adler 1905-1942
Short Veemarkt Street 10/11
Jacob Pino (January 23, 1900) was a brother of the Sneker baker Eduard Pino. He was married to the German Jewess Erna Adler (February 18, 1905, Hintersteinau). Jacob had a café at Korte Veemarkt 6 (now café Vellinga); a stopping place for cattle traders during the weekly cattle market on Tuesdays.
After many wanderings, Jacob, Erna and their daughter Mechgelien (June 12, 1931) went into hiding in Hazerswoude. There they were arrested by the Sicherheitspolizei on October 10, 1942. That same day this close-knit Sneker family was transported to the prison in Scheveningen. Jacob died in this prison on January 30, 1943. Erna Pino-Adler and her daughter were murdered in Auschwitz in 1942 and 1943, respectively.