PvH Memorial tree Iepenlaan Sneek
Memorial Tree
On April 15, 1946, a maple tree was planted by the Maple Leaf neighborhood association of the time. That tree served as a reminder of the liberation of Sneek by the Canadians. That liberation had taken place exactly one year earlier.
The Maple Leaf neighborhood association was named after the national symbol of Canada, the Maple Leaf. The neighborhood association was active in the tree district. One of the association's first initiatives was to plant the commemorative tree. The maple tree was located in the parkway on Elm Avenue, at the entrance to the street that would shortly thereafter be called Maple Avenue. On April 15, 1947, the tree was handed over to the Sneek City Council. Shortly before, an ornamental trellis had been placed around it. It was made by students of the Crafts School. The design of the fence was by their teacher G. N. Manak.