Fishing children(Tinga neighborhood, behind MFC De Spil)
Amid great interest from neighborhood residents, the sculpture group Fishing Children was unveiled in Tinga on Wednesday, June 12, 1980. The bronze work of art was created by Suze Boschma-Berkhout of Leeuwarden. It stands on the jetty by the pond behind the mulitfunctional center De Spil. Fishing Children was unveiled by then 10-year-old Elske Ringersma and 8-year-old KouratouYoshida. To do so, they had to use a pitching pole to remove a cloth that lay over the two fishing boys. The sculpture is a gift from the YKK zipper factory (then called Yoshida), which wanted to use it to confirm and strengthen the good relations between Sneek and the factory. The jetty was specially constructed to provide a fitting place for the fishermen. Mayor Mr. B. van Haersma Buma announced that it is an invitation to area residents and other Snekers, to come and sit with them.