Canoe - & suproutes Sneek, Pots, Sneek

This canoe - & suproutes goes from Sneek, via Potten (6 kilometers) back to Sneek.

Start: via the water of the Houkepoort follow the signs kayak route after the islands. The route takes you part via the Griene Dyk and ends at the Kleine Potten. Here you can have a coffee on the water at the RCN camping before you go back to Sneek via the Houkesloot on your sup or in your canoe.

Option 1
Fanatics go over the Prins Margrietkanaal through Oppenhuizen back to Sneek.

Option 2
The even more fanatical go via the Broeresloot and the Brekken via the Woudvaart back to the center of Sneek.


Kanoroute ingang Houkesloot


Griene Dyk

Griene Dyk