Bronze relief R.C. St. Martin's Church
The artwork depicts St. Martin. The artist is Gosse Dam. He was one of the founders of the Catholic Church in Western Europe. In 371 A.D., he was appointed bishop of Tours. St. Martin is the patron of the city and this church.
On the relief, St. Martin cuts his cloak in two. This refers to the legend that Martin, who was born around 316 in Savaria (Hungary) as the son of Roman parents, became a soldier at a young age and as a 15-year-old he left for Gaul. According to legend, at a city gate of Amiens he met a cold-hearted beggar, to whom he gave half of his cloak. At night he dreamed that he saw Jesus wearing that half cloak, recalling the words in Matthew 25:36: "I was naked and you clothed Me" and 25:40: "if you have done this for one of my least brothers, you have done it for Me." St. Martin was converted.
St. Martin is the patron saint of the city of Sneek and also of other Dutch cities such as Groningen (Martinistad), Doesburg, Gorinchem, Sneek, Venlo, Weert and Zaltbommel.