
Sneek - website
By now 250 churches have again signed up for Tsjerkepaad, the opening of churches in Fryslân on Saturday afternoons during the summer months. The participating churches are listed on the Tsjerkepaad website.
  • weekly on Saturday until September 14, 202413:30 - 17:00

Many churches are participating in Tsjerkepaad again.

What could be better than visiting an old church in Friesland? Nowhere are there so many churches as in Fryslân! During Tsjerkepaad, about 250 Frisian churches are freely accessible during the summer. Hospitable volunteers are available to provide explanations. The churches are open to anyone who appreciates heritage, art, silence, encounters, rest or meditation!

Tsjerkepaad 2024 is from July 6 to September 14 on Saturdays from 1:30 to 5 p.m. The annual theme is "Round the Churches." Before you head out, always check with overview churches to see if the buildings you want to visit are open as well. Sometimes an afternoon is cancelled, for example because of a funeral or wedding service. Each church also lists whether there are extra activities, such as music, an exhibition or a lecture.

The churches are open on Saturdays before these. Current announcements and other news can be found on the website www.tsjerkepaad.nl.

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