The Circus Brothers - Huub Cooijmans (4+)

Westersingel 28 Sneek - website
The circus brothers have done it again: the masts are level, the tent is stretched and the flag flies in the wind.
  • Sunday 27 Octobervanaf 14:30

One more sweeps the arena and the other makes sure all the performers are on time. The show can begin! At least that was the intention, but one of the brothers forgot something....
They face a big challenge! Will these servants of the arena become performers themselves?

The Circus Brothers is a real family show! This unique show consists of a succession of dazzling circus acts. In quick tempo and with lots of humor these acts form an unforgettable show!

This crazy circus show lets you enjoy, amaze, sit on the edge of your seat, but above all laugh your head off.

Berl Both and Huub Cooijmans met during the Cirque Magnifique theater tour. It clicked immediately and ideas soon arose to create a show together. Berl and Huub share the passion for circus and both believe that a good circus show should also have humor! Berl is a comical acrobat, tightrope walker and all-round circus performer. Huub is a former Dutch champion juggler and can also bear the title best children's magician of the Netherlands.