Ten Productions - Fightclub

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Mine's life is turned upside down. Her best friend, Sigrid, has been severely abused by her stalker. The police knew about it, but took little action. Only now that things have gone too far have they apprehended the man.
  • Tuesday 26 Novembervanaf 13:30

Mine no longer trusts the world one bit. She is suspicious of her date, her co-workers and even herself. When she assaults an intern at work, she is suspended for a week.

When she has to turn in her work clothes in the basement of the hospital, Sigrid suddenly jumps out. As if she were not a few floors up in a coma. They encourage each other to learn to fight: how will they ever survive in the violent outside world if they can't even throw a punch?
But when her best friend wants to go much further in this than Mine herself envisioned, everything spirals out of control.

From a female perspective, writer Vera Morina and director Corien Feikens examine the role of violence. Why is there so much violence against women? How do we as a society deal with violence? Why do we read so little about the victims and there are dozens of Netflix Series about the perpetrators?

Fightclub is a physical and compelling performance and inspired by the 1999 film of the same name.