Mylou Frencken - Minnares

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A good mistress: Mylou Frencken wants to be. On her terms. On her way.
  • Saturday 16 Novembervanaf 20:15

A mistress used to be a woman of power, prestige, glamour (and a palace). But where was the love? Mistresses of today are seen as women for whom love often consists of lust and suffering. They yearn and wait for their moment, which rarely comes.
But a mistress, believes singer and cabaret artist Mylou Frencken, is so much more. In this performance, she goes in search of her true meaning. "Women are emancipating and feminizing themselves to the bone, while continuing to satisfy male fantasies about seductresses and femmes fatales. To me, a mistress is someone who loves out of a need of her own, with feminine strength, finesse and playfulness. Who wouldn't want to be a good mistress?"

Of her personal pitfalls and stumbles in love, Mylou makes no secret in Minnares. She candidly examines the Art of Loving, drawing inspiration, learning and entertainment from great and tragic mistresses such as Madame de Pompadour, Marilyn Monroe, Mata Hari and Monica Lewinsky. And the woman who threatened to run off with her own husband.

Songs by Mylou Frencken (also known as the singing bar lady in the TV quiz Met het Mes op Tafel and one of the founders of the Haarlem Theater de Liefde) were nominated several times for the Annie M.G. Schmidt Award.