Movie War Winter with live music beforehand

Leeuwenburg 12 Sneek - website
The Fries Jeugd Fanfare Orkest, led by conductor Syde van der Ploeg, will perform a special concert before the start of the film Oorlogswinter. After the concert the film Oorlogswinter by Jan Terlouw will be shown on a big screen! Accompanied, the film is accessible to all ages!
  • Monday 21 April10:30 - 14:00

Experience an unforgettable morning at CineSneek! On the occasion of 80 years of freedom, Cinesneek, Sneek80yearfree and the film house present a unique experience for young and old: a live concert by the Fries Jeugd Fanfare Orkest, followed by the impressive film Oorlogswinter.

The Fries Jeugd Fanfare Orkest, led by conductor Syde van der Ploeg, will present a special concert with penetrating musical pieces that bring to life the atmosphere and drama of World War II. These young musicians, ages 13 to 25, will play powerful compositions you won't soon forget! Among other things, unique film footage from 1945 will be shown while playing.

This special concert will be followed by the film Oorlogswinter, based on Jan Terlouw's famous book. The film follows 14-year-old Michiel, who becomes involved in the resistance during the winter of 1944-1945. The story of courage, betrayal and the tough choices of war is sure to touch you deeply.

Whether you love music, film or history, this afternoon is for everyone who wants to commemorate freedom and have a unique cultural experience.

Don't miss it! Book your tickets soon for this special screening!

Accompanied, the film is accessible to all ages!

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