Lecture Alice Booij: consequences of the storm surge for Sneek e.o.

Kleinzand 16 Sneek - website
On Sunday, March 2, historian Alice Booij will talk about the effects of the storm surge on the town of Sneek and its surroundings at the Fries Scheepvaart Museum.
  • Sunday 2 Marchvanaf 14:00

On Sunday, March 2, Alice Booij talks about a flood disaster that occurred, in February, 200 years ago. During a storm surge, during which highs of around three meters above normal were recorded, the dikes broke in 1825. Salty sea water poured over a large part of Friesland. The flood had a long and dramatic after-effect. Diseases broke out, crops failed and large areas of farmland were spoiled. Inhabitants who survived the flood died in large numbers in the following years. The cemetery around the church soon became too small and Sneek had to close the cemetery around the Martinikerk as a result of this "disaster after disaster" and hastily established a new cemetery outside the city.

The lecture starts at 2 p.m. (walk-in from 1:30 p.m.). Admission is (including a cup of coffee or tea) €7.50 per person. Museumkaart holders and members of the Fries Scheepvaart Museum can enter for free. Full is full, so registration is required by e-mail at balie@friesscheepvaartmuseum.nl.