George and Eran Productions - You can't say anything more, either.

Westersingel 28 Sneek - website
You Can't Say Anything Either is a topical, personal stand-up theater performance about shifting boundaries.
  • Saturday 12 Octobervanaf 20:15

About new words and old customs. About two boys, Jonata and Eran, from different backgrounds and generations who search for a safe walking path through this modern minefield. With great humor and speed, they balance on the thin tightrope of each other's boundaries and those of a changing society. Carefully putting one step in front of the other. Carefully. Breathe in, breathe out. Watch where you are walking. Because a misstep is easily made....

About the company/creators: George & Eran Productions is a theater company whose heart is Syrian Dutchman George Elias Tobal and Jewish Dutchman Eran Ben-Michaël, always creating new, self-written plays. With our performances, we give a human face to major themes taking place inside and outside the borders of our little chickadee and our city or neighborhood. In this way we try to get a grip on burning and sometimes abstract issues and events, themes that invade our daily lives and affect us consciously or unconsciously.

Well-known performances by George & Eran Productions include George & Eran Become Racists, Mia's Letters & Jihad of Love.