Dutch Handball Championships

Leeuwarderweg 52 Sneek - website
On June 28 in Sneek on the LSC grounds, the Dutch Championship Kaatsen boys' division will burst forth!
  • Saturday 28 Junevanaf 09:00

On June 28 in Sneek on the LSC grounds the Dutch Championship Kaatsen boys division bursts loose!

This year Kaatsvereniging Sneek exists 125 years. It is thus the oldest ball sports association in Sneek which never merged with other associations. In honor of the 125th anniversary the Dutch Championship Kaatsen for boys is organized. This will be held on Saturday, June 28, 2025 at the sports complex of LSC. Start of the matches is 9:00 am. The best handball players in this class will compete against each other in this ancient Frisian sport, where strength, speed and tactics come together.

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